Ireland is currently ranked as the 4th most competitive country in the world and the 6th largest source of FDI into the US. However, looking at Ireland’s detailed competitiveness ranking, while there are positives, there are also several areas where AmCham must use its voice to advocate for pressing change – all against the backdrop of a shifting geopolitical environment, global policy resets and intense competition for investment.
Ireland’s detailed global competitiveness rankings
Productivity & Efficiency
Business Legislation
Management Practices
Attitudes & Values
Source: IMD 2024 World Competitiveness Index
Our five strategic policy pillars 2025-2027
Improving Ireland’s physical and digital infrastructure
Securing cost competitiveness, stability and the ease of doing business
Building the future talent and skills pipeline
Enhancing Ireland’s RD&I offering
Making Ireland the primary economic bridge between the US and EU